Error Handling in ASP.NET MVC 5: Part 3 – HandleErrorAttribute and HttpApplication.Error

In the previous post I covered the Custom Errors and HTTP Errors error handling features. You can configure both of these in various ways, including specifying that your own error page should be shown when there is an error. What you do not get is complete control. Today you are going to see how you can gain that control by manually handling errors. As with the last post, I am continuing to concentrate on how 500 Internal Server Error errors can be handled. Continue reading

Error Handling in ASP.NET MVC 3: Part 3 – HandleErrorAttribute and HttpApplication.Error

In the previous post I covered the Custom Errors and HTTP Errors error handling features. You can configure both of these in various ways, including specifying that your own error page should be shown when there is an error. What you do not get is complete control. Today you are going to see how you can gain that control by manually handling errors. As with the last post, I am continuing to concentrate on how 500 Internal Server Error errors can be handled. Continue reading